Friday, November 2, 2007

Welcome to DID200

Welcome to my very first blogging experience. May it be as painless for you as it is nerve-wracking for me.

The general idea behind this blog is to post up my favourite 200 R&B albums. As it happens, most of them are from the recent past. So while i have much respect and admiration for the many fine artists that laid the groundwork for the young whipper snappers i will post about, you wont find any of them on this blog. For the most part all the albums on this list are from about the mid 80's to current, with a disproportionate showing from the early 90's ;)

Music is a very personal experience and this is why i am making it quite clear from the outset that these are my favourite albums. As you can tell by the title of the blog, these are the 200 (who can choose just 1?) albums that i would take with me to a desert island (on my ipod, since nobody actually uses cd's these days..). So while I look forward to hearing everyone's opinions on my list, I dont want a constant barrage of abuse and outrage. Tell me why im wrong and we will most likely agree to disagree, and move on to the next album. Im hoping to update regularly (time permitting) and hopefully we can generate a little healthy debate about the list. Looking through it, there are bound to be some upset people out there!

So without further ado, here we go...... and remember, dont talk, just listen.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog you have here! You've got great taste in R&B. Keep it up. :)