Friday, February 1, 2008

A Short Interruption

I thought i would take a moment to explain a little something about the list. Its been kinda bugging me since I started so i feel the need to elucidate..

When I was making it I started to feel a little daunted and overwhelmed with the sheer scale of it and also with the thought of stating that I thought Album A was better than Album B. I got through the top 10, then 20, then 30, then 40. That was all fine. I took a lot of time deciding which album I liked, and how much I liked it in relation to other albums. Strangely, the top 10 was probably the easiest because having listened to R&B for many, many years, I knew exactly which albums were my favourites and why. As I started to get higher on the list, I would finish a particular block, then come back to it a couple of days later and change it completely. After a while I realised that I would never finish the list if this kept happening and decided that once I had decided, I would leave it, no matter how I felt when I came back to it.

As a result, when i look at the list now, I see some glaring inconsistencies that make me wonder what i was thinking. I see some albums in the #170's that could just as easily have gone 100 spots higher if I was in a different mood. So while I have done my best to make this a list that is an accurate depiction of my taste, until we get into the lower numbers try not to think of it as a sequential list. If an album comes in at number 145, that does not necessarily mean I always like it better than the album at number 146. Its a fair bet I would like it better more of the time than an album at 195 but only as a general rule.

OK, thanks for listening to me blab on. More music to come ;)

Oh and soon (when i have the time) I will be doing a special post of my top 10 songs from the year that was 2007. Not a great year but we will see what we can dredge up from all the sludge that was released....


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